This is the oldest available image of Tukaram, 1832 A.D. It was a cover to a
handwritten manuscript of Tukaram's abhangs belonging to
a Varkari Haibatbaba Arphalkar. |
This is a image from a Raja Ravi Varma
Press calendar. |
This and the following sketch were
drawn on Mahatma Gandhi's request.1945A.D.
Dr. Indubhushan Bhingare had published earlier the first edition of Sant
Tukaram ki Rashtragatha. The present edition is the revised one. My
knowledge of Marathi is very slight. Tukaram is very dear to me. But I
could read only a few of his abhangas without effort.I therefore passed
on Dr. Bhingare's selection to Kundarji Diwan who took great pains to go
through the whole thing. The Gatha needed a fitting picture. Dr.
Bhingare had selected a cheap one. It hurt me very much. I sent it to
Shri Nandalal Bose, the renowned Santiniketan artist. He has been kind
enough to send me pictures of Tukaram to go with the abhangas. I sent
the one that I thought the best among them to Bhingare and it will be
published in this edition.I hope this edition will command the respect
of people.
January 10, 1945.
Tukaram on Bhandara - Nandalal Bose |
Tukaram and his wife Jeejaai - Nandalal Bose |
Tukaram illustration done
by Satyajit Ray was for cover of Tukaram monograph
by Dr.Bhalchandra Nemade.It was published in 1975 by
Sahitya Academy to introduce Tukaram in Indian
languages. Incidentally Ray was a student of
Nandlal Bose.
Bharatratna Satyajit Ray (1921-1992), an Indian
filmmaker is known for his humanistic approach to
cinema.In 1992, Satyajit Ray received the honorary Academy
Award - Lifetime Achievement - “In
recognition of his rare mastery of the art of motion pictures
and for his profound humanitarian outlook, which has had
an indelible influence on filmmakers and audiences throughout
the world.”
Hande |
1.Je ka ranjale ganjale
Know him to be a true man who takes to his bosom those who are in
distress. Know that God resides in the heart of such a one. His heart is
saturated with gentleness through and through. He receives as his only
those who are forsaken. He bestows on his man servants and maid servants
the same affection he shows to his children. Tukaram says: What need is
there to describe him further? He is the very incarnation of divinity.
Translation by Mahatma Gandhi
Aritist : Bhaskar Hande |
Vaishwik ‘Jnanadev-Tukaram’Art Gallery, Aundh,
Pune 411007. |
The Pilgrimage - Dehu to Pandharpur ( 2008 ) |
1. The Pilgrimage - Malinagar.
Vijay Wadekar |
2. Varkari
Varkari: A person who makes the pilgrimage. The Varkari follows a number of specific principles and practices:
1.Worship of Lord Vithoba.
2.A duty-based approach towards life.
3.Strict avoidance of alcohol and tobacco.
4.Strictly vegetarian diet.
5.Rejecting discrimination based on caste or wealth.
Vijay Wadekar
3. The Pilgrimage - Malinagar.
Pandurang Pawar
4. The temple at Dehu
Dilip Mali |
5.The halt at the village Nimgaon Ketki.
Bhaskar Hande |
6. Vinekari ( one who holds the music
instrument) at the halt Vakhari.
Bhaskar Hande |
7. The rest at the village Kadamvasti
Bhaskar Hande |
8. The tamarind tree at pilgrimage town
of Pandharpur.
Bhaskar Hande |